What To Do About Stink Bugs In Your Home During Fall and Winter

What To Do About Stink Bugs In Your Home During Fall and Winter By Horizon Pest Control Let’s face it: some pest control problems really stink. That’s right—we’re talking about stink bugs, unwelcome guests that will make a literal stink if you rub them the wrong way. These shield-shaped insects are an invasive species originally […]
4 Signs You Have Squirrels Living in Your Attic

4 Signs You Have Squirrels Living in Your Attic By Horizon Pest Control While squirrels may look cute and be entertaining to watch from a distance, having a squirrel as an uninvited “houseguest” is quite a different experience. Despite their charming, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed appearance, squirrels are both rodents and wild animals at their core. […]