Spotted Lanternfly Removal In NJ & NY

A Pest-Free Life Is on the Horizon

Unmasking the Pests and Our Playbook to Take Down the Population in Your Yard

Spotted lanternflies – they sound like something straight out of a fairy tale, but these little troublemakers are more of a nightmare than a dream come true for your property. While they may not be as charming as fireflies, they certainly know how to crash the party in your garden.

Discovery – From Hidden Gem to Public Nuisance

Imagine this: It’s 2014, and the spotted lanternfly is discovered near Boyertown, PA – and they look quite pretty when they spread their spotted bright red and black wings. Fast forward less than a decade, and this pest has gone from an unknown critter to a well-known troublemaker in our area. Why? Well, they’re not exactly the polite guests you’d want in your garden. In fact, they’re responsible for nearly $325 million in annual agricultural losses. Yep, they’re not here for a tea party; like it or not, they’re here to wreak havoc on your outdoor space and vegetation that you love so much!

Concern – When Pests Get Fashionable

Now, don’t get us wrong; spotted lanternflies won’t sting you or nibble on your pets. So, no need to panic if one decides to land on your picnic blanket. But here’s the twist – they’re plant and tree terrorists! They adore infesting trees, especially the so-called “tree of heaven,” causing sap wilting, leaf curling, and sticky sap galore. They’re not picky eaters either; they chomp down on over 70 different plants, from grapes to apples and everything in between.

Why Are They So Darn Destructive?

Here’s the scoop: Spotted lanternflies have a sweet side – they excrete honeydew, a sugary treat that attracts other not-so-friendly insects like bees and wasps. It’s like a sugary invitation to an insect party. But wait, there’s more – this honeydew buildup can turn into a breeding ground for destructive fungi that can harm your precious plants. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is so concerned about it that they’re arming trees with insecticides to fight back!

And it’s not just plants they’re after – these little buggers have been known to damage cars, furniture, and even structures. They’re like the party guests who just can’t help but cause trouble.

Horizon Pest Control Spotted Lanternfly Exterminators in NJ are available by phone at (201) 447-2530

Commercial Spotted Lanternfly Solutions

Spotted lanternfly trap on a tree
Commercial pest solutions are essential for businesses to maintain a clean and safe environment for their employees and customers. Spotted Lanternfly infestations can cause significant damage to structures, contaminate products, and pose health risks. Commercial pest control services provide effective solutions to eliminate spotted lanternflies from commercial premises. These services include regular inspections, customized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring to ensure long-term pest management. Investing in commercial pest solutions not only protects businesses from potential financial losses but also preserves their reputation and ensures a healthy working environment. Don’t let spotted lanternflies harm your business – contact Horizon Pest Control today for all your commercial pest control needs!

Residential Spotted Lanternfly Solutions

Close up of a spotted lanternfly
Residential pest solutions are essential for maintaining a clean and safe living environment. Spotted Lanternfly infestations can cause property damage, spread diseases, and create an overall unpleasant living situation. Hiring professional residential pest control services can effectively eliminate and prevent the presence of spotted lanternflies in your home. These solutions involve inspections, treatment plans, and ongoing prevention measures to ensure a pest-free home. By investing in residential pest solutions, homeowners can protect their property and ensure the well-being of their family members. Don’t let spotted lanternflies harm your home – contact Horizon Pest Control today for all your residential pest control needs!
Call Horizon Pest Control now at (201) 447-2530 for spotted lanternfly extermination in New Jersey or New York, or contact us online to request a free estimate.

Do Spotted Lanternflies Have a Season? You Bet!

These critters lay their eggs in the fall, and they spend the winter incubating. Come late spring or early summer, the nymphs hatch, ready to wreak havoc. But here’s a tip: the easiest way to thwart their plans is to go after those eggs! You can tackle it yourself, armed with a stiff card, postcard, or scraper. Squish and scrape those eggs, and you’ll hear a pop as you put a stop to their baby lanternflies before they hatch.

Think that’s a bit too hands-on? You can also scrape the egg mass off the tree and dunk it into a container of frozen rubbing alcohol. Let them take a chilly dip, and that’ll be the end of their lanternfly dreams.

Detection – Becoming a Back Yard Detective

Detection a spotted lanternfly infestation early is crucial to prevent its spread and minimize damage to plants and trees. Here are signs that you may have a spotted lanternfly infestation:

  • Adult Lanternflies: The most obvious sign is spotting adult lanternflies with their distinct red and black wings, gray bodies, and white spots. They are about one inch long and can often be seen feeding on plants or flying around.
  • Nymphs: Look for nymphs in various stages of development. They start as black with white spots and develop red patches as they mature. They are typically found on plant stems and leaves.
  • Egg Masses: Lanternflies lay their eggs in masses that look like grayish putty. These egg masses can be found on trees, rocks, outdoor furniture, and other surfaces.
  • Feeding Damage: Lanternflies feed by piercing plant stems and sucking sap. This can cause wilting, yellowing, or browning of leaves and stems. You may notice sticky residue (honeydew) on plants, which can attract other pests like ants and wasps.
  • Sooty Mold: The honeydew excreted by lanternflies can lead to the growth of sooty mold on plant surfaces. This mold appears as a dark, powdery substance on leaves and branches.
  • Tree Damage: Heavily infested trees may exhibit oozing sap, sap-soaked bark, or wilting leaves. In severe cases, this can lead to tree decline or death.
  • Insect Activity: If you observe large numbers of lanternflies congregating on your property, especially in the fall, it's a sign of a potential infestation.
  • Plant Species Preference: Spotted lanternflies have specific preferences for certain plants, such as the invasive tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima). If you have a lot of these trees on your property, it increases the risk of infestation.
  • Sticky Bands: If you've placed sticky bands around trees to trap lanternfly nymphs and they are covered in nymphs, it's a clear sign of an infestation.
  • Visible Egg Masses: If you notice the grayish egg masses on outdoor surfaces during the fall or winter, it's an indicator of an ongoing infestation or a potential future problem.

Enter Horizon Pest Control – Your Pest-Free Partner

Now, if all this bug squishing and egg dunking sounds like a bit too much adventure for your liking, why not call in the pros? At Horizon Pest Control, we’re the pest detectives you need. We’ll identify those pesky lanternflies and unleash our arsenal of pest-fighting tricks to keep them at bay. Consider it your insurance policy against a lanternfly invasion.

So, whether you’re a DIY warrior or prefer to leave it to the experts, remember that Horizon Pest Control has your back. We’re here to ensure your property stays lanternfly-free, so you can enjoy your outdoor haven without any uninvited guests!

Ready to reclaim your space? Give us a call at (201) 447-2530 to request your FREE consultation today! Don’t let lanternflies turn your garden into their own fairy tale nightmare.

Our Pest Control Programs

Our Pest Control Programs

Our pest control programs are designed to effectively eliminate and prevent unwanted pests from invading your home or business. We offer comprehensive services that target a wide range of pests, including insects, rodents, and more. Our team of experienced technicians uses safe and environmentally-friendly methods to rid your property of pests while ensuring the safety of your family or customers. With regular maintenance and inspections, our pest control programs provide long-term protection and peace of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time of day are lantern flies most active?

Lanternflies, like the spotted lanternfly, are generally most active during the day, particularly in the late morning and early afternoon. They are known to be more active when temperatures are warm and conditions are favorable for feeding and reproduction.

What should I do if I find Spotted Lanternflies on my property?

If you find spotted lanternflies on your property, you should report the sighting to local agricultural authorities, follow guidelines for containment or removal provided by those authorities, and avoid transporting them to new areas. Take measures to eliminate or treat affected plants and trees, and consider seeking professional assistance for effective control methods.

What are the best methods for removing Spotted Lanternflies?

Effective methods for removing spotted lanternflies include:

  1. Manual Removal: Handpick and crush or drop them into a solution of water and soap.
  2. Tree Banding: Wrap trees with sticky bands to capture nymphs and adults climbing up or down.
  3. Insecticides: Use insecticides recommended by local agricultural authorities for targeted control.
  4. Reporting: Report sightings to local agricultural extension offices or authorities for coordinated control efforts.
  5. Tree of Heaven Management: Remove or treat the invasive Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), a preferred host for spotted lanternflies.

Always follow guidelines provided by local agricultural authorities for the most effective and environmentally responsible control measures.

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