How to Spot Them and Get Rid of Them
Is there anything more disgusting than a home with rats? We are not talking about the cute, germ-free pet rats that some people love. We are talking about wild rats. These rats, which can range in size from teensy to the size of small dogs, pose a real threat to human health. They urinate and defecate everywhere, which spreads diseases. They contaminate things with their waste. They chew on things, posing a real hazard to your things. Plus, when they get desperate, they can bite. We have all read the horror stories of rats eating babies. It may be rare, but it can happen.
The fact that rats can be so dangerous is probably why people find them so frightening. Even the toughest person may feel queasy about the idea of dealing with these rodents. We have more bad news. If you have seen one rat, odds are that even more of them are lurking. Rats are not solitary animals. They live in nests or even in colonies with several other rats. So, if you see one running around your house, you probably have an infestation.

Signs of a Rat Infestation in Your Home
Chances are that you will see signs of rats before you ever see a rat. These sneaky nocturnal animals know how to avoid being spotted by humans.
Signs that you may have rats include:
Commercial Rat Solutions

Residential Rat Solutions

Rat Prevention and What Attracts Them
The best way to avoid rats is to keep them out. However, it can be harder than it looks. Rats can squeeze into tiny openings. If their heads can fit, they can get through a hole. Part of our job is to inspect potential openings and close them up.
Several things can attract rats. You may have heard that rats like dirty homes. While it is true that they like available food and water sources, which may be more likely in dirty homes, rats are possible in even clean homes. One of the biggest contributing factors is nearby construction. If there is construction in your area, then rats are going to be displaced. Where will they go? Your house if they can get in it!
We Offer Extensive Rat Control Services
Do not worry. In addition to exclusion, we also exterminate rats that have managed to get into the premises. Combined, the two-front strategy can help us take care of your rat problem in no time.