How Rodents Can Damage Your Home’s Wiring and Cause Fire Hazards

How Rodents Can Damage Your Home’s Wiring and Cause Fire Hazards By Horizon Pest Control Rodents, such as rats and mice, can create serious problems in your home by chewing through electrical wires. This behavior not only leads to rodent damage to home wiring but also poses a significant fire hazard. As they gnaw on […]
The Dangers of Ignoring an Ant Infestation in Your New Jersey Home

The Dangers of Ignoring an Ant Infestation in Your New Jersey Home By Horizon Pest Control Ant infestations are a common problem in New Jersey, but the dangers of ant infestations in NJ go beyond just seeing a few ants crawling around. Ignoring an ant problem can lead to significant property damage and even pose […]