Got a Bee or Wasp Sting? Treat Them With These Home Remedies!

Got a Bee or Wasp Sting? Treat Them With These Home Remedies! By Horizon Pest Control If you or someone you know gets stung by a bee or wasp, it is important to take immediate action to minimize the pain and address any potential allergic reactions. First and foremost, it is essential to remove the […]
Preventing Bees and Wasps Around the Pool

Preventing Bees and Wasps Around the Pool By Horizon Pest Control For those fortunate enough to have a backyard pool, the presence of bees and wasps around or within it is likely a familiar occurrence. These insects are naturally drawn to water sources for sustenance, and your inviting pool undoubtedly serves as an enticing oasis […]
Guard Your Home Against These 5 Fall New Jersey Pests

Guard Your Home Against These 5 Fall New Jersey Pests By Horizon Pest Control As the leaves change color and the weather starts to cool down, New Jersey homeowners must shift their focus to pests that become a problem during this time of year. Many people think that pests only become an issue during spring […]
7 New Jersey Stinging Insects: Which Ones Are Most Aggressive?

7 New Jersey Stinging Insects: Which Ones Are Most Aggressive? By Horizon Pest Control New Jersey is home to many types of bees and wasps. As many people learn the hard way, some of these stinging insects are much easier to provoke than others. Below, we’ve grouped common stinging insects in New Jersey according to […]
How to Tell the Difference Between Bees and Wasps

How to Tell the Difference Between Bees and Wasps By Horizon Pest Control Need help identifying those black and yellow bugs flying around your backyard? There are multiple differences between bees and wasps in terms of appearance, diet, behavior, and aggression. Below, we’ll provide a general overview so that if you spot one of these […]
Stinging Insect Classification: Wasps, Bees, and Hornets

Stinging Insect Classification: Wasps, Bees, and Hornets By Horizon Pest Control Controlling any pests starts by knowing the type of pests that are inside the premises. Stinging insects such as wasps, bees and hornets are some pest problem that can be experienced by many. However, the most common questions regarding insect classification surrounds the differences […]
Different Types of Stinging Insects in New Jersey

Different Types of Stinging Insects in New Jersey By Horizon Pest Control The American Bumble Bee The bumble bee has a black body and a yellow-striped belly. Bee colonies (like that of the other stinging insects) are divided into queens, female workers, and male workers. Unlike males, females have stingers; furthermore, queens are twice as […]
The Beewolf Is One of the Fiercest of All Flying Insects

The Beewolf Is One of the Fiercest of All Flying Insects By Horizon Pest Control Bees can be frightening insects when they happen to be buzzing in your direction. Even if you are not allergic to bee stings you probably still move away quickly when one is nearby. After all, why risk the possibility of […]