Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder?

By Horizon Pest Control


Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder?

A common misconception is that flea and tick activity dies out completely during late fall and winter. As much as we would all like that to be the case, if you’re a pet owner, or even if you just enjoy spending time outdoors, you still need to take precautions against these blood-sucking pests year-round.

Ticks During Fall and Winter

As temperatures drop, many species of ticks will begin to slow down and go dormant. Beforehand, these ticks will search for shelter underground or in piles of leaf litter. Others will ride out the cold months of the year by latching onto a host (typically an animal).

Blacklegged ticks are particularly cold-resistant and continue to be active as long as the temperature remains above freezing. This tick variety can carry Lyme disease and is most common in rural areas or wooded suburban areas.

Fleas During Fall and Winter

Like ticks, many fleas will go dormant once temperatures start to drop during autumn and winter. However, some will survive and stay active by living in or below homes, in barns and stables, or inside animal dens, where they can find plenty of hosts to feed on.

Dormant fleas can quickly become active again in a little as one day if milder weather arrives. Fleas will also come out in droves after major wet weather events, like storms and hurricanes. In milder climates, fleas can be a year-round problem.

Protecting Your Home From Ticks and Fleas

Because flea and tick activity can crop up during any time of year, it’s important to take steps to make your home less susceptible to infestations.

  • If you own pets, keep up their flea and tick preventative treatments year-round. Consult your veterinarian to find a treatment that’s safe for your particular pet’s species, breed, and age.
  • Vacuum weekly to reduce the risk of flea larvae hatching in your home. Pay special attention to carpeting and rugs.
  • Routinely launder and inspect your pet’s beddings for signs of ticks or fleas.
  • Inspect your pets closely for fleas and ticks after going for hikes or walks in wooded or grassy areas. If your pet looks like they’re scratching or biting at their body, pests may be biting them.
  • Keep your grass trimmed short, and clear away overgrown brush and shrubs from your property.
  • Consult a pest control professional for preventative treatments that can be applied around your property. Keep in mind that wildlife (like raccoons or rodents) could be introducing fleas and ticks to your property.

At Horizon Pest Control, we treat and prevent pest issues by targeting the root of the problem. For help with a flea or tick problem in your New Jersey or New York home, give us a call at (201) 447-2530 or contact us online.

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