Different Types of Cockroach Eggs and Cockroach Control

Different Types of Cockroach Eggs and Cockroach Control By Horizon Pest Control As with many other types of animals, cockroach relies on their eggs to reproduce. The female discharges pheromones to attract a male. Once the mating is done, the female will grow an egg outside her body, which is called an ootheca. They grow […]
Little Known Facts About Skunks

Little Known Facts About Skunks By Horizon Pest Control It is springtime and the skunks are beginning to emerge from their lairs and search for food and mates. Yep, it’s also that time of year. Now, we all know that you shouldn’t mess with skunk unless you want to get sprayed by their butt juice […]
What’s the Difference Between Carpenter Ants and Termites Anyway?

What’s the Difference Between Carpenter Ants and Termites Anyway? By Horizon Pest Control Given the fact that both are associated with extensive wood damage, homeowners often mistake and confuse one with the other. But termites and carpenter ants are quite different from each other. There are several physical and behavioral differences between the two. Differences […]
What Is the Difference Between an Arachnid and a Spider?

What Is the Difference Between an Arachnid and a Spider? By Horizon Pest Control Many people use the term “spider” and “arachnid” interchangeably, but do these words mean the same thing as everyone assumes? I personally have always assumed that an arachnid and a spider were one and the same thing. Actually, arachnids include a […]
Finding Where the Carpenter Ants Live

Finding Where the Carpenter Ants Live By Horizon Pest Control Carpenter ants are necessary in nature since they enhance the decay of dead trees by burrowing and nesting from them. However, they become a pest when they invade and damage the integrity of the wood that is within a house. There are two types of […]
Could a Spider Be Living in Your Hair?

Could a Spider Be Living in Your Hair? By Horizon Pest Control There is an urban legend, though not as common today as it was before the 1980’s, that told about a person with a bushy hairdo having a family of black widows nesting within his or her locks. There are also plenty of stories […]
4 Major Common Spiders in NJ

4 Major Common Spiders in NJ By Horizon Pest Control Spiders are beneficial insects, acting as population control for harmful insects. Some gardeners will purposely place certain spiders in their gardens to protect their vegetation; however, once spiders begin invading the living area, that becomes a game-changer for the humans in the environment. Even though […]
What Do Cockroaches Look Like?

What Do Cockroaches Look Like? By Horizon Pest Control It is important to know what cockroaches look like because they are a nuisance and can infest homes and businesses. Cockroaches are insects that can spread diseases. Thought of as dirty insects, and you want to be able to identify them for proper elimination. There are about 4,600 […]