Where Do Ticks Come From and Where Do They Live?

Where Do Ticks Come From and Where Do They Live? By Horizon Pest Control Ticks are tiny, blood-sucking arachnids that grow and survive by feeding on blood from human and animal hosts. Depending on the tick species, they may have a preference for certain types of hosts, like dogs or white-tailed deer. Through their bites, […]
8 Common Places Mice and Rats Like To Hide In The Average Home

8 Common Places Mice and Rats Like To Hide In The Average Home By Horizon Pest Control Rodent problems can get out of control fast. One of the reasons why the infestations grow so quickly is that mice and rats are very good at staying hidden. They tend to occupy undisturbed areas of a home […]
Here’s How Fast a Mouse Infestation Can Spread in Your Home

Here’s How Fast a Mouse Infestation Can Spread in Your Home By Horizon Pest Control Have you ever wondered how places can become overrun with mice? Most people assume it must be the result of neglect. After all, on the surface, it looks like a problem that has had a lot of time to fester […]
What To Do About Stink Bugs In Your Home During Fall and Winter

What To Do About Stink Bugs In Your Home During Fall and Winter By Horizon Pest Control Let’s face it: some pest control problems really stink. That’s right—we’re talking about stink bugs, unwelcome guests that will make a literal stink if you rub them the wrong way. These shield-shaped insects are an invasive species originally […]
4 Signs You Have Squirrels Living in Your Attic

4 Signs You Have Squirrels Living in Your Attic By Horizon Pest Control While squirrels may look cute and be entertaining to watch from a distance, having a squirrel as an uninvited “houseguest” is quite a different experience. Despite their charming, bright-eyed, and bushy-tailed appearance, squirrels are both rodents and wild animals at their core. […]
Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder?

Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder? By Horizon Pest Control Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder? A common misconception is that flea and tick activity dies out completely during late fall and winter. As much as we would all like that to be the […]
How to Trap and Release a Spider Without Killing It

How to Trap and Release a Spider Without Killing It By Horizon Pest Control Spiders: they’re creepy, they’re crawly, but they can actually benefit your home and garden as a form of natural pest control. By building webs and hunting, they can help reduce populations of flies, moths, mosquitoes, and more. Even so, it’s understandable […]
6 New Jersey Pests That Can Damage Your Property and Belongings

6 New Jersey Pests That Can Damage Your Property and Belongings By Horizon Pest Control When evaluating pests in a typical New Jersey neighborhood, you’ll find that some are far more destructive than others. In their search for food and shelter, bugs, rodents, and other critters can damage your home, prized possessions, and even the […]
What Does Carpenter Ant Damage Look Like?

What Does Carpenter Ant Damage Look Like? By Horizon Pest Control Unlike other ant infestations, a carpenter ant infestation isn’t just a nuisance: it can actually damage your home. Below, we’ll explain how to identify carpenter ants and the damage they cause so that you can stop the problem before it gets worse. What Do […]
What Makes Mosquito Bites So Itchy and Painful?

What Makes Mosquito Bites So Itchy and Painful? By Horizon Pest Control With warm weather comes cookouts, beach days, camping trips… and lots and lots of mosquitoes. If you’ve never been bitten by one of these pesky pests, you can consider yourself part of the lucky minority. Mosquito bites are itchy, uncomfortable, and can spread […]