Stinging Insect Classification: Wasps, Bees, and Hornets

Stinging Insect Classification: Wasps, Bees, and Hornets By Horizon Pest Control Controlling any pests starts by knowing the type of pests that are inside the premises. Stinging insects such as wasps, bees and hornets are some pest problem that can be experienced by many. However, the most common questions regarding insect classification surrounds the differences […]
Different Types of Stinging Insects in New Jersey

Different Types of Stinging Insects in New Jersey By Horizon Pest Control The American Bumble Bee The bumble bee has a black body and a yellow-striped belly. Bee colonies (like that of the other stinging insects) are divided into queens, female workers, and male workers. Unlike males, females have stingers; furthermore, queens are twice as […]
Identifying Hornet & Yellowjacket Nests and Removing Them

Identifying Hornet & Yellowjacket Nests and Removing Them By Horizon Pest Control Hornets are wasps and are closely related to yellowjackets. There are about twenty different species of hornets and most of them live in tropical Asia. However, hornets are also found in Europe, Africa, and North America. They are commonly found on trees and […]