Stink Bugs Bite – Literally and Figuratively!

By Horizon Pest Control

Stink bugs are prevalent in New Jersey during the winter. They migrate into homes to survive the extreme cold weather temperatures. Not only are the stink bugs foul smelling and scary looking, these bugs can bite humans as well. Their favorite thing to bite, however, is fruits and vegetables. Though these nasty bugs don’t often bite humans, the pain from the bite of the stink bug can be compared to that of a bee sting and may result in soreness for up to three days. The bite may produce puss and swelling, as well as cause itching. With the influx of stink bugs in New Jersey during the winter, it’s important for homeowners to know how to treat stink bug bites.

What to Do if Bitten by Stink Bugs

Fortunately there are many simple at-home treatments for stink bug bites. To combat itching and swelling, rub lavender or cedar essential oil directly onto the bite and allow the oil to absorb into the skin. Not only will the oil bring relief to the painful bite, but you’ll smell good too! If you don’t care for the scent of lavender or cedar, though, there are many other home remedies to choose from. All of the following items that you might find already in your bathroom medicine cabinet can be rubbed onto the bite to soothe the irritated skin: witch hazel, aloe vera gel, lemon juice, a paste made from crushed aspirin and water, white toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, or a cotton swab soaked in Epsom salt or calamine lotion.

Stink Bugs in Winter: Home Remedies to Treat Bites

If you can’t find any of those items in the medicine cabinet, there is no need to rush to the store just yet. Move on to the kitchen and check for these items that can also be rubbed onto a sore stink bug bite: lemon juice, the inside of a banana peel, an onion slice, or a simple paste made with baking soda and vinegar. Taking an over-the-counter antihistamine can also combat the itching and swelling and works nicely with the home remedies. Of course, it’s always very important to monitor your body’s reaction to stink bug bites. Contact your doctor immediately if you suspect some type of allergic reaction or if your body does not respond to the at-home treatments within a few days. Most importantly, prevent stink bug bites in winter by having your home treated by a professional pest control company!

If you’re tired of dealing with stink bugs, let us help you! Call Horizon Pest Control today for effective stink bug control.

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