Giant Funnel-Web Spiders Fangs

Giant Funnel-Web Spiders Fangs By Horizon Pest Control Giant Funnel-Web Spiders Have Fangs Big Enough to Bite Through Your Shoe As long as I can remember spiders have been scary, sure, but experts were always claiming that while some spiders can bite through human skin and harm us, they can’t bite through clothes or shoes. […]
Carpenter Ant Tunnels and Ways to Search/ Control Them

Carpenter Ant Tunnels and Ways to Search/ Control Them By Horizon Pest Control Protecting your property from Carpenter Ants Carpenter ants are one of the most common indoor pests that are found in the United States. When these ants invade homes, they construct their nests in moist wood and destroy the wood. Unlike termites, these […]
Get Rid of Mice Now!

Get Rid of Mice Now! By Horizon Pest Control Mice are intelligent creatures. They sneak in through small holes with ease, and they create nests in unused areas of your house like the attic or the basement, inside walls, or even in your kitchen. You may not notice their presence, and if you are not […]
DIY Pest Control Tips for 8 Common Pests

DIY Pest Control Tips for 8 Common Pests By Horizon Pest Control There are numerous reasons why it is smart to learn do-it-yourself pest control methods even if you have an account with a professional. You never know when some of the pests featured here might bother you. Here are some simple ways to handle […]
Different Types of Stinging Insects in New Jersey

Different Types of Stinging Insects in New Jersey By Horizon Pest Control The American Bumble Bee The bumble bee has a black body and a yellow-striped belly. Bee colonies (like that of the other stinging insects) are divided into queens, female workers, and male workers. Unlike males, females have stingers; furthermore, queens are twice as […]