How to Prevent a Silverfish Infestation in Your Home

How to Prevent a Silverfish Infestation in Your Home By Horizon Pest Control Have you noticed small silver bugs with fish-like scales on their body? Known as silverfish, the creepy appearance of these bugs, who are a little like tiny, colorless roaches, can be alarming. Prolific breeders, females lay eggs continuously, and those babies reach […]

How Ticks Find a Potential Host

How Ticks Find a Potential Host By Horizon Pest Control If you are worried about ticks, you already know to be careful in the woods. They are the highest-risk area for you—or your pets—to pick up ticks. However, these opportunistic predators can find a host in many different ways, which means you need to practice […]

How Professional Pest Control Can Save Business Owners Time & Money

How Professional Pest Control Can Save Business Owners Time & Money By Horizon Pest Control How Professional Pest Control Can Save Business Owners Time & Money What is Professional Pest Control? Professional pest control refers to the services experienced and knowledgeable pest control companies provide to eliminate and prevent pest infestations in commercial properties. These […]

Why Do We Sometimes Dream About Insects?

Why Do We Sometimes Dream About Insects? By Horizon Pest Control Dreams have been a source of fascination for as long as humans have existed. Over the course of human history, numerous figures in such fields as psychology, neuroscience, biology, art, and philosophy have focused on understanding the meaning of the dreams that we have […]

Guard Your Home Against These 5 Fall New Jersey Pests

Guard Your Home Against These 5 Fall New Jersey Pests By Horizon Pest Control As the leaves change color and the weather starts to cool down, New Jersey homeowners must shift their focus to pests that become a problem during this time of year. Many people think that pests only become an issue during spring […]

There Are Bats In My Attic: What Should I Do?

There Are Bats In My Attic: What Should I Do? By Horizon Pest Control If you’re like most people, finding bats in your attic is a scary prospect. After all, bat urine and feces can damage your home, and some bats can transmit rabies. However, it’s important to remember that bats are also an important part […]

Removing a Tick: What To Do and What NOT To Do

Removing a Tick: What To Do and What NOT To Do By Horizon Pest Control Ticks thrive in warm, humid weather and start coming out in huge numbers during spring and summer. Despite your best efforts, it can be hard to avoid tick bites during these times of the year, especially if you spend a […]

Why Genetically-Modified Male Mosquitoes Are Being Released Into the U.S.

Why Genetically-Modified Male Mosquitoes Are Being Released Into the U.S. By Horizon Pest Control Did you know that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved plans to release millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the environment? No, this isn’t a scene from a science fiction movie – it’s actually happening. The EPA has given the […]

Deer Mouse vs. House Mouse: What’s the Difference?

Deer Mouse vs. House Mouse: What’s the Difference? By Horizon Pest Control Have you noticed evidence of a mouse infestation on your property? It can certainly be alarming to find mouse droppings in your kitchen or even see a live mouse scurrying across the floor, but it’s equally upsetting to hear noises in the walls […]

Asian Longhorned Ticks Found in New Jersey: What to Know About This Invasive Species

Asian Longhorned Ticks Found in New Jersey: What to Know About This Invasive Species By Horizon Pest Control The Asian longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) was found in New Jersey for the first time ever in November of 2017, attached to a sheep from a farm. Further research revealed that these ticks have likely been living […]