7 New Jersey Stinging Insects: Which Ones Are Most Aggressive?

7 New Jersey Stinging Insects: Which Ones Are Most Aggressive? By Horizon Pest Control New Jersey is home to many types of bees and wasps. As many people learn the hard way, some of these stinging insects are much easier to provoke than others. Below, we’ve grouped common stinging insects in New Jersey according to […]

When Does “Termite Season” Start?

When Does “Termite Season” Start? By Horizon Pest Control Like most bugs, termite activity typically peaks during warmer weather. For this reason, it’s always a good idea to start watching for signs of a termite problem as early as spring. However, termites are unique in that they never actually stop being active during a particular […]

How To Tell the Difference Between Carpenter Ants and “Regular” Black Ants

How To Tell the Difference Between Carpenter Ants and “Regular” Black Ants By Horizon Pest Control Any kind of ant infestation is a nuisance. However, if your home has trouble with carpenter ants, you could end up with property damage as well. While many ants can look extremely similar, it’s important to familiarize yourself with […]

4 Things You’ll Wish You Knew Before Needing an Exterminator

4 Things You’ll Wish You Knew Before Needing an Exterminator By Horizon Pest Control In many cases, pest infestations can be avoided. Unfortunately, if you don’t work in pest control, you might not realize what is making you susceptible to a pest problem. If you’re hoping to avoid pest infestations, make sure to keep the […]

Find Your Career at Horizon Pest Control

Find Your Career at Horizon Pest Control By Horizon Pest Control In a time when consolidation is happening across all industries and where there are constant concerns regarding the stability in the work force, I am proud to announce that Horizon Pest Control has not only remained stable over the last 2 years through the […]

6 Tips to Keep Safe from Pests During Outdoor Fun

6 Tips to Keep Safe from Pests During Outdoor Fun By Horizon Pest Control After months of being on lockdown, no one wants to spend their summer and fall stuck indoors. However, before rushing outside, don’t forget that warm weather is prime time for pests! Use the “dos and don’ts” below to keep you and […]

Common Stinging Insects in New Jersey and New York

Common Stinging Insects in New Jersey and New York By Horizon Pest Control At first glance, it’s easy to mistake one stinging insect for another. You may know many people who apply the term “bee” to similar-looking bugs like wasps and hornets. However, knowing the difference between these insects is essential to understanding their behavior, […]

Preparing to Reopen Your Business: Disinfecting and Pest-Control Solutions

Preparing to Reopen Your Business: Disinfecting and Pest-Control Solutions By Horizon Pest Control Now that restrictions are finally lifting across the U.S., many business owners are eager to resume operations. If you own a business, you’ve no doubt experienced anxiety from weathering the economic hardships brought on by COVID-19. However, you may feel some hesitation […]

5 Tips to Keep Mosquitos From Ruining Your Summer

5 Tips to Keep Mosquitos From Ruining Your Summer By Horizon Pest Control No one wants to spend summer cooped up inside. On the other hand, getting bitten all over by mosquitos isn’t what anyone would consider their favorite part of the great outdoors. Along with being itchy and painful, a mosquito’s bite can transmit […]

5 Signs That Your Home Has Termites

5 Signs That Your Home Has Termites By Horizon Pest Control No one wants to imagine that it will happen to them, but unfortunately, termite infestations affect countless households throughout the country every year. In fact, the EPA reports that termites cause, not millions, but billions of dollars in structural damage across the U.S. annually. […]