How to Avoid Bed Bugs Coming Home from College with Your Kid

How to Avoid Bed Bugs Coming Home from College with Your Kid By Horizon Pest Control No one wants bed bugs. Good thing we can usually avoid them by following some basic cautionary steps when we travel. However, if you have kids that travel back and forth from college, you can be at risk of […]
Bed Bug Treatment in Your NJ or NY Home

Bed Bug Treatment in Your NJ or NY Home By Horizon Pest Control Bed bugs are one of the worst experiences one could ever have in their life. While they seem to have a reputation for congregating around dirty homes, they don’t feed or thrive on any of that. They actually thrive off of your […]
Researchers Determined Which City Is Infected With the Most Bed Bugs

Researchers Determined Which City Is Infected With the Most Bed Bugs By Horizon Pest Control There is nothing new to report about bed bugs, as everyone knows that they are tiny, painful, itchy, annoying, hard to kill and well represented in every region of the world where insects can survive. Since the turn of the […]
Identifying Bed Bug Bites

Identifying Bed Bug Bites By Horizon Pest Control Bed bugs are rarely caught in the act because they are nocturnal and usually bite people while they are sleeping. Additionally, bed bugs inject an anesthetic when they bite that prevents the bite from being felt and possibly waking the sleeper. So how do you know if those […]
How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread?

How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread? By Horizon Pest Control While bed bugs were once thought to be near extinction, these pests have made a shocking comeback – and more than a few headlines – in the past few years. Bed bugs spread via infested spaces and items, and once they do, infestations happen seemingly […]