Top Five Pests that Infest Homes in the Summer

Top Five Pests that Infest Homes in the Summer By Horizon Pest Control As the summer season approaches, bringing along its warm sun and outdoor fun, it also ushers in a group of unwanted guests – summer pests. While pests can be a nuisance all year round, they become particularly active during the summer months. […]
Why Genetically-Modified Male Mosquitoes Are Being Released Into the U.S.

Why Genetically-Modified Male Mosquitoes Are Being Released Into the U.S. By Horizon Pest Control Did you know that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved plans to release millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the environment? No, this isn’t a scene from a science fiction movie – it’s actually happening. The EPA has given the […]
What Makes Mosquito Bites So Itchy and Painful?

What Makes Mosquito Bites So Itchy and Painful? By Horizon Pest Control With warm weather comes cookouts, beach days, camping trips… and lots and lots of mosquitoes. If you’ve never been bitten by one of these pesky pests, you can consider yourself part of the lucky minority. Mosquito bites are itchy, uncomfortable, and can spread […]
DIY Pest Control Tips for 8 Common Pests

DIY Pest Control Tips for 8 Common Pests By Horizon Pest Control There are numerous reasons why it is smart to learn do-it-yourself pest control methods even if you have an account with a professional. You never know when some of the pests featured here might bother you. Here are some simple ways to handle […]
Can Mosquitoes Pollinate Plants?

Can Mosquitoes Pollinate Plants? By Horizon Pest Control A biologist, Dr. Jeff Riffell, from the University of Washington, studies how odors act as chemical signals, and how these signals influence animal behavior. For example, many plants use smell to coax far away insects into traveling long distances for pollination. Riffell’s team of scientists wanted to […]