How to Prevent a Silverfish Infestation in Your Home

How to Prevent a Silverfish Infestation in Your Home By Horizon Pest Control Have you noticed small silver bugs with fish-like scales on their body? Known as silverfish, the creepy appearance of these bugs, who are a little like tiny, colorless roaches, can be alarming. Prolific breeders, females lay eggs continuously, and those babies reach […]
Bugs that Invade Your Space in Fall

Bugs that Invade Your Space in Fall By Horizon Pest Control Bugs that Invade Your Space in Fall Weather changes can prompt pests to try to come inside. As the weather gets colder, fall bugs seek shelter for the coming winter. Your house makes a great space. It is warm and provides a source of […]
4 Pests You’ll Find In Your Home’s Darkest, Dampest Places

4 Pests You’ll Find In Your Home’s Darkest, Dampest Places By Horizon Pest Control Springtails, centipedes, and numerous other creepy-crawly pests have something in common: when they infest homes, they tend to dwell in its darkest, dampest parts, like poorly ventilated attics, basements, crawlspaces, underneath sinks, and even inside houseplants. Here are some common and […]