How Ticks Find a Potential Host

How Ticks Find a Potential Host By Horizon Pest Control If you are worried about ticks, you already know to be careful in the woods. They are the highest-risk area for you—or your pets—to pick up ticks. However, these opportunistic predators can find a host in many different ways, which means you need to practice […]
Why Fall Tick Treatments in New Jersey are Necessary

Why Fall Tick Treatments in New Jersey are Necessary By Horizon Pest Control Why Fall Tick Treatments in New Jersey are Necessary Ticks are small, blood-sucking parasites that pose a significant threat to both humans and animals. Known for transmitting harmful diseases like Lyme disease, ticks are especially prevalent in the fall season. In New […]
Tick-Borne Diseases on the Rise

Tick-Borne Diseases on the Rise By Horizon Pest Control Many of those who are from the Northeast are familiar with Lyme disease, as it is caused by a bite from a tick. Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-borne diseases in the United States, however, another has been on the rise called babesiosis. […]
New Jersey Ticks

New Jersey Ticks By Horizon Pest Control Between mosquitoes and ticks, ticks are by far the worst. You should be vigilant of ticks, and eliminate them with extreme prejudice. Mosquitoes at least act as pollinators like butterflies, though they can carry diseases and leave us with plenty of unbearably itchy scratches. Ticks, however, are simply […]
Where Do Ticks Come From and Where Do They Live?

Where Do Ticks Come From and Where Do They Live? By Horizon Pest Control Ticks are tiny, blood-sucking arachnids that grow and survive by feeding on blood from human and animal hosts. Depending on the tick species, they may have a preference for certain types of hosts, like dogs or white-tailed deer. Through their bites, […]
Removing a Tick: What To Do and What NOT To Do

Removing a Tick: What To Do and What NOT To Do By Horizon Pest Control Ticks thrive in warm, humid weather and start coming out in huge numbers during spring and summer. Despite your best efforts, it can be hard to avoid tick bites during these times of the year, especially if you spend a […]
Asian Longhorned Ticks Found in New Jersey: What to Know About This Invasive Species

Asian Longhorned Ticks Found in New Jersey: What to Know About This Invasive Species By Horizon Pest Control The Asian longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) was found in New Jersey for the first time ever in November of 2017, attached to a sheep from a farm. Further research revealed that these ticks have likely been living […]
Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder?

Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder? By Horizon Pest Control Do Fleas and Ticks Go Away When The Weather Gets Colder? A common misconception is that flea and tick activity dies out completely during late fall and winter. As much as we would all like that to be the […]
Ticks Have Been Found Dwelling Within Short-Grass Sports Fields

Ticks Have Been Found Dwelling Within Short-Grass Sports Fields By Horizon Pest Control One would have to be living under a rock to not have heard the news about dangerous disease-spreading ticks in America. Tick habitats are thick within forested regions. Any avid outdoorsman can tell you that coming home from a day in the […]
It’s Tick season – How to Prevent Them!

It’s Tick season – How to Prevent Them! By Horizon Pest Control Ticks thrive in New Jersey and all over the eastern seaboard. Ticks are parasites, classified by experts as external parasites, AKA ectoparasites, that have to feed on the blood of hosts to survive. There are many different kinds of ticks, and they can […]