8 Common Places Mice and Rats Like To Hide In The Average Home

8 Common Places Mice and Rats Like To Hide In The Average Home By Horizon Pest Control Rodent problems can get out of control fast. One of the reasons why the infestations grow so quickly is that mice and rats are very good at staying hidden. They tend to occupy undisturbed areas of a home […]
Here’s How Fast a Mouse Infestation Can Spread in Your Home

Here’s How Fast a Mouse Infestation Can Spread in Your Home By Horizon Pest Control Have you ever wondered how places can become overrun with mice? Most people assume it must be the result of neglect. After all, on the surface, it looks like a problem that has had a lot of time to fester […]
6 New Jersey Pests That Can Damage Your Property and Belongings

6 New Jersey Pests That Can Damage Your Property and Belongings By Horizon Pest Control When evaluating pests in a typical New Jersey neighborhood, you’ll find that some are far more destructive than others. In their search for food and shelter, bugs, rodents, and other critters can damage your home, prized possessions, and even the […]
Are Rats Dangerous? What Studies Reveal About Rats and Disease

Are Rats Dangerous? What Studies Reveal About Rats and Disease By Horizon Pest Control Rats have been associated with disease and dirtiness in Western culture for centuries. In fact, rats have long been blamed for spreading the bubonic plague throughout Europe and Asia, an illness that erupted in the mid-1300s that wiped out millions of […]
How to Prevent Spreading Rat and Mice Populations from Invading Your Home

How to Prevent Spreading Rat and Mice Populations from Invading Your Home By Horizon Pest Control This year, something unique is happening with mice and rats across America. Normally, rodents rely heavily on the food they get from garbage at restaurants and other commercial institutions, but due to the 2020 lockdown, rats and mice nationwide […]
How to Keep Stored Seasonal Clothing Safe from Pests

How to Keep Stored Seasonal Clothing Safe from Pests By Horizon Pest Control Boxing up your warm-weather clothing is a smart way to free up some closet space during the colder months. However, if you don’t store your clothes correctly, you could come back to them in spring to find them infested with moths and […]
Get Rid of Mice Now!

Get Rid of Mice Now! By Horizon Pest Control Mice are intelligent creatures. They sneak in through small holes with ease, and they create nests in unused areas of your house like the attic or the basement, inside walls, or even in your kitchen. You may not notice their presence, and if you are not […]
DIY Pest Control Tips for 8 Common Pests

DIY Pest Control Tips for 8 Common Pests By Horizon Pest Control There are numerous reasons why it is smart to learn do-it-yourself pest control methods even if you have an account with a professional. You never know when some of the pests featured here might bother you. Here are some simple ways to handle […]