Flying Termite Infestations: Understanding the Threat to Your New Jersey Property

By Horizon Pest Control

While they do not have the ick factor of pests like cockroaches and rodents, termites pose more of a threat to homes and property than many other pests. Left undetected, termites can destroy your home from the inside out. Many people worry when they see termites flying. However, termite swarms are not the real threat. Termite swarms are termites looking for a new home.

In New Jersey, swarm season usually lasts from late spring to early fall, coinciding with the increase in humidity and temperature. After a rainfall, termites are likely to be in search of new breeding grounds. While termites swarm, they are looking for a new dark and damp area for a new termite nest. The nest must have access to both food and wood, where they can nest and feed.

Termites are attracted to wood, which means houses with untreated lumber are particularly vulnerable. Decks, fences, and wood or plant material can attract termites, as can sources of standing water or moisture, like leaking pipes or clogged gutters.

Flying Termites

While termite swarms do not cause that much damage on their own, they are a sign of a much bigger issue. The swarms emerge from already established colonies, indicating the presence of an existing problem. Tracking them down to their source and eradicating those colonies can help prevent thousands of dollars in property damages. Plus, where the swarms land, the termites could establish a new colony.

Figuring out where termites are establishing a new colony can be challenging. Pest control technicians have the skills and experience needed to locate the new colonies, assess the extent and size of the problem, and develop an effective pest control strategy for your home. Contact Horizon Pest Control to schedule an inspection today.

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